Wednesday 2 January 2013

Assessments, insurance and certificates

Happy new year all.

There is already much to look froward to, the longsword assessment is ready for those of you who feel you are, it has several revisions which I feel will help. Please not you are only expectged to know 3 of the master cuts for the basic test. You can view the PDF below, but if you need a hard copy please feel free to ask. 
Longsword basic assessment pdf

All insurance payments are expected to be made week commencing 8th of Feb. These will now be processed at the same time each year, so if you pay late you will get less than a year before you have to pay again.

as you may know I took an age to get the 2 Days of the Blade certificates done, thank you to all of you who took part and completed the weekend, you showed great patience in waiting for them. They are now ready.

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