Wednesday, 23 July 2014

One of those lessons...

One of those lessons... You know that one where the heat and the day have got to you yet still, despite all that you head along to training?
Here's a some shots from the last few lessons. Friday was going through posture mechanics for cutting and a cool disarm from the thwart (plus the tasteful little extra I show here), also a little staff work from yesterday, working a strike to the flank from a high bind on the left.

 I didn't take any photos on Monday, but without exception every student at every lesson this week and last worked incredibly hard and showed good improvement. Which brings me back to the "have you ever had one of those lessons". One of the students turned up last night, looking absolutely bloody shattered after a long tortuous shift, they struggled with the flank strike with the short staff throughout the majority of the lesson

so I on, several occasions made the offer for them to sit out and take a breather. They didn't. When it came to their turn to carry out the winding, grinding drill with the 8' poles. I though they would flake.

 However, having watched everyone else have trouble with the drill, loosing contact, snapping between positions too quickly and creating an opening, this student didn't they maintained fluidity and structure and above all control of the bind. To finish a lesson like this and perfect so much at the last moment is an excellent show of determination. Liz we are massively proud of you.

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