Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Interclass Competition rules for Saturday 6th of December.

Interclass open rules. For those of you judging and fighting on the 6th of December, here are is the simple version of the rules based around 4 ring judges and 1 centre judge. Fighters and judges do not need to worry about the number values that is for the score keeper. Judges simply worry about the "minor major and doubles". Hits of quality: Competitors are expected to illustrate good technique, so cuts and thrusts must have a clear path of intent. In the case of cuts, a cut through or into a target, not a tap shot. In the case of thrusts the thrust may be put in, or arrested out of courtesy but must reach the opponent with potential to extend into a full thrust. Judges are able to dismiss touches they do not feel meets the above criteria. Bout duration: Each fight will be to ten points or two minutes. Whichever comes first. Scoring: We have returned a little to the original open rules concept. This will be a little more complex but I hope the judges will make them work. Starting allocation: Each competitor will start the fight with 10 points, hits will be subtracted from this, the fight will be ended when one competitor reaches goes to zero or below or the time runs out. Values: Major hits. A hit of good quality to any target that goes unanswered. Instant doubles and following afters of good quality (-2 points). Minor hits. A follow on blow to a lesser target or of poor quality (-1 point). Double strikes and afterblows: Double strikes count against both parties and are simply scored major blows (-2/-2) However, we have added the "following after" distinction. Instant: When the blows land at the same time and at identical distance the score is double (-2/-2). After: If the after blow is given, with an action of following after and involves a movement of the foot or feet it must hit even or greater value. So if party A strikes a limb party B can strike back at limb, torso or head to score a double (-2/-2) . If party A strikes head or torso, party B must likewise hit head or torso to score. in the event of a strike to the limb the score is given major/minor(-2/-1). Limb interrupts: Shots will be judged by distance and path, so a cut which would reach head or torso but has a limb in the way will be counted as a major strike so if you put your hand in front of your face to stop that cut... Hit calls. Hits must be confirmed by 2 or more ring judges. So to score at least two judges must flag in your favour. On witnessing a successful hit a ring judge will call hit and hold the flags thus: Major hits: Arm vertical 2 points. Double: crossed flags above head (X) Minor following major hits (as in a poor following after) arm held at 90 degrees to the side (the major as stated being held vertical). The center judge will call "halt" after hearing 2 or more calls of "hit" This marks the limit of the afterblow. Fighters will remain where they maintaining readiness, the centre judge will either call a hit value (for example major against blue, minor against red) at which point fighters will move to their corners. Or if no confirmed hits are made the judge will call "fight on" the fight will then continue from where it left off. Grips and grapples. If the limb or weapon is held immobile no after blow is allowed upon it's release. A hit must still be delivered to score with the grip, The floor at this venue is unsuitable for grappling so no going to the floor. Dussak: When fighting dussak hits to the weapon hand will not score, this being considered protected. General. In all fights control is expected. Avoid hitting too hard, avoid hitting the joints and to the neck.

Monday, 3 November 2014

I'm not on a boat.

It was asked today why I haven't traveled overseas to teach very much this year when there have been several very kind offers to do so.

Well tonight sums it up.
Every time my students turn up and put so much effort into understanding, when on lacking understanding they ask the right questions, when they show such diligence that it makes me want to applaud....That's where we have a problem.

I love when each student makes a jump in comprehension, how that drives me to research more.
I love when that perfect shot from a student, played for and got sneaks through and you know that that application is comprehension embodied...But of course that may be an issue.

 The problem is I cannot leave a class when they show such desire to learn and improve.
The issue is they do, and that drives me and makes me reluctant to leave...even for a week.
Maybe next year I will try and travel out of the UK again, the offers mean a lot, but these buggers have me hooked.