Friday 9 May 2014

Getting to the point.

It was the second week of dussack at the Barbican class this week, again going through the strike at the weak and catch of the counter. Then slow constant problem solving sparring.

Tuesday was incredible fun with noting but sparring with the spear and staff, concentrating on varying attacks and grips a fair few bruises and a lot of very happy people.

 Wednesday was working on two principle attacks from di Grassi and Lignitzer, seeing how they relate and working against the most likely counter to each of them.

Thursday as usual was Burn Night. This week our four sets of drills were with short and long staff,
unarmed and sword and buckler. Unusually we didn't do any longsword but looking at the grins of those thrusting each other in the face or throwing each other across the mats, that omission was forgiven.

Tonight of course is the Highgate class, where there will be all the longsword you could hope for, cutting drills and an approach under cover from wrath. Look forward to seeing you there.

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