Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year.

Lots to look forward to this coming year with more competitions and more full on training. We will be pressing on with a lot more rapier and of course continuing the fine work you've been doing with the longsword. Sword and buckler will return at the end of Febuary after the next open comp and will be taught alongside Obsesseo so you have a reference tool to work with.
We will also be introducing the Dussack as the weapon of choice for beginners as a good simple itnroduction to cutting and sparring.  The first of you taking assessments will be assessed not only on how well you learn this yourself, but also on how well you pass this on to beginners in the class. Yes that means assessments are coming.
AND, well lots lots more;)
Don't forget we start on the second (though some of us will be training the new year in). Looking forward to seeing you.
See you in the New year, hope it's a happy one for you. Dave

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