Monday, 13 September 2010

London Longsword Academy: training guide Mon 13th september

Monday 13th Barbican; Short staff (Paulus Hector Mair) Drilling the first two sections & continuing on with section three high left bind.
Tuesday 14th Hither Green: Longsword continuing with the taking off, wrath strike to thrust, parry taking off and counter, combining into with the first winding, free-play application.
Wednesday 15th Blackfriars: Rapier: free play applications of the subjections & continuing countering the imbrocade to the inside.
Longsword;  Longsword: Continuing with the taking off/, wrath strike to thrust/changing through, parry taking off and counter. beginning the first winding.
Thursday Bromley: Longsword;  Longsword: Continuing with the taking off/, wrath strike to thrust/changing through, parry taking off and counter. beginning the first winding. Free play for senior students.
Friday Sutton: Longsword;  Longsword: Continuing with the taking off/, wrath strike to thrust/changing through, parry taking off and counter. beginning the first winding.

A special mention for Pete Lewis this week, I spent a fair bit of time watching your free play on Thursday, a VAST improvement. Keep it up.
Coming soon we have a  review of Reinier van Noort's sickle workshops, to summarize quickly though, excellent, he knows his material very well, his classes are well structured and you can really feel the amount of thought he's put into the mechanics of his interpretation. If you get a chance, work with him. I know that all the students who got to train with him found it massively fun and rewarding.

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