Tuesday 14 October 2014

What's new.

The crystal palace class is up and running, at the moment it is dussack only as demand for that was so high. All being well we will be starting the spear class an hour before hand. I will let you know as soon as I can get the hall time booked and confirmed.

As you can see from the schedule below, I am taking Tuesday evenings off until the new year the plan being to have two on the Thursday instead.
So, while I enjoy the prospect of reading more and playing with the cat this eve, enjoy a little clip from the Monday Class.


Monday Barbican 8pm: Rapier/rapier and dagger.
Wednesday Blackfriars 8.30pm: Sword and buckler/ sword and shield.
Thursday Crystal Palace 8pm: Dussack.
Friday Highgate: Longsword.

Train hard:).