Wednesday, 26 September 2012

a thankyou to the Wallace Colletion

Many thanks from us at The Sword, to Tobias Capwell and the Wallace Collection for donating the footwork Diagram from their excellent "Noble Art of the sword" exhibition.
I was most pleased that Toby was willing to listen and include the diagram in the exhibition, and most grateful for this (as you can see from this shot of a private lesson) immediately and immensely useful training aid.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

We are The Sword, London.

 We have a new facebook page, don't forget to like us.

There will be a new website too, offering a lot more content on our academic, martial and documentary work. The unified name for all these aspects of the London Longsword Academy and Boar's Tooth Fight-School will be... The Sword, London. 

Longsword syllabus part 1.

As requested by several students of The Sword*: The first part of the longsword course.
 The syllabus uses information from several sources (amongst them, Fiore, Fabris, Liechtenauer, Meyer, Silver and Thibault), depending on which offers the best explanation of a technique or principle. I have generally (though not always) kept the terminology Liechtenauer based**.

Longsword Syllabus part 1:
4 guards. 1389 post 1389
and the geometry of those positions.

Cutting drill 1 true, cutting drill 1 false.

Wrath hew at left ear:
Distance, correct usage and explanations of the times.
Footwork, extend then bend. The geometry and structure of the step.
Explanation of the omission of the step in this defence.
Wrath to left ear no stop.
wrath to left ear cut a lateral parry.

Wrath to left ear cut a lateral parry out, wind to left ox high thrust.

Explanation of reasoning for the lateral parry in this exercise.

Counter these with Running off false edge cut to four

Wrath to left ear, set aside and cut to face.

Counter setting aside with the high winding. strong to weak.
show and explain this mechanic.

Counter cut against wrath, mutate

counter cut against wrath hew, wind to left ox,  second party subject sword into a left parry and wind to Ox

Counter against wrath hew, subject, counter double.

Counter against wrath hew. crown, wind low

Counter against wrath, press wide, pulling.

Part 2 will follow shortly.
*you will notice that the London Longsword Academy page will change shortly to "The Sword" and the web address to stick it in your browser.
**please note the non longsword sources listed here still have much to offer, which is why I have included principles from these authors.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

A hacker caught at Hampton Court

Photo: A hacker caught at Hampton Court part 1.

This weekend just past, I was at Hampton Court Palace, teaching a dussack workshop to a mix of long term sports fencers, Eastern martial artists and total novices.

I went in with a very set class structure, cuts followed by drills and summery, this all changed very quickly.

It became evident early on that these people needed a more rounded view of EBBMA (European blade based martial arts), than just waving the swords at each other.
So to begin with we went through the idea of memes, of choosing names for a position or technique,allow the mind to easily retain and fathom it's purpose (much like the naming systems used in kung fu styles).

This allowed us to cover the guard positions from Leichtenauer's longsword (both prior and post 1389), Lechkuchner's falchion and Meyer's dussack in short order.
The cuts were dealt with in the same way, working through Meyers, parting wrath and thwart lines, these identifying names really seemed to aid their understanding of the cuts and flows simply and quickly.