Monday 14 May 2012

EBBMA 2012 a quick thank you.

This weekends EBBMA (European Blade Based Martial Arts) competition held at the Martial Arts Show at the NEC in Birmingham was a resounding success. The event was hosted jointly by the London Longsword Academy and the School of the Sword, with competitors from both schools taking part, as well as  fighters from ACT (armed combat and tactics),Dragon's Tail/Schola Gladitoria and The EHCG (European Historical combat Guild).
There will be a full report coming soon, but I wanted to offer a quick congratulations to
Piermarco Terminiello (SotS) who won Rapier and Tim Fuke (LLA) who won dussack, both fought fantastically and their wins were very much deserved.  Everyone else fought stunningly well and the effort you all put: to from getting there early, to your constant good humour throughout was very much appreciated...but more of that in the full report...

Many thanks also for the dussack prize sent by Purple Heart Armouries, it was a great looking thing very well received. 

I want to make two special mentions. Robert H and Delia H, who have only recently joined the LLA. To travel up and such short notice, to put in such effort into the judging was fantastic, thank you so much, your work alongside Caz and Phil made the event run superbly smoothly, with what I felt was a close knit and professional judging team... it was a pleasure to work with you.

More soon...

Sunday 6 May 2012

Equipment list for EBBMA 2012

Mandatory protective equipment for rapier

·         NO BARE SKIN
·         Mask
o        Bib rating 1600N
·          Fencing Jacket
o        Coaches jacket recommended
o        Black preferred, must be smart, no gambesons.
·         Hard shell chest protector
·         Gorget
o        Protectors that include collar bone protection recommended
·         Gloves
o        Gloves designed for fencing
§         Leather OR
§         350N sport fencing gloves
o        Padded glove for dagger hand
·         350N fencing breeches
o        Black preferred
·         Groin protection (men) Breast protection (ladies)
·         Joint protection for knees
·         Shoes suitable for the tournament surface

Strongly recommended additional protective equipment for rapier

·         Puncture resistant plastron (fabric)
o        800N rating
·         Joint protection for elbows
·         Shin and forearm protection
·         Finger tip protection for off/dagger hand.



·         Steel
·         39” – 45” length
·         Tipped
o        Taped on
·         Flexible blade
·         Darkwood Armory recommended
·         Good condition
o        No rust
o        No visible bends
o        No burrs on edge


·         As per rapier, but 6 – 18” length.
6” - 18”


Mandatory protective equipment for dussack

·         NO BARE SKIN
·         Mask
·         Fencing Jacket
o        Coaches jacket recommended
o        Black preferred, must be smart, no gambesons.
·         Gorget
o        Protectors that include collar bone protection recommended
·         Gloves
o        Padded fencing gloves, lacrosse glove, no sharp parts.
·         Fencing breeches or straight legged tracksuit trousers
o        Black preferred, plain and smart.
·         Groin protection (men) Breast protection (ladies)
·         Shoes suitable for the tournament surface

Strongly recommended additional protective equipment for dussack

·         Joint protection for knees and elbows
·         Shin and forearm protection
·         Finger tip protection for off/dagger hand.


Dussacks will be provided.


After you pick up you tickets we will meet in arena 1a at 9.30 am (far left corner relative to entrance of hall 1). This is regardless of which competition you are in.

We would also like people to bring:
Black* trousers/waist coat.
White shirt
Black tie if poss.
*or very dark.

Friday 4 May 2012

A very big thank you to Purple Heart Armouries for donating the first prize for the EBBMA tournament.
The dussack has been especially carved with "EBBMA Dussack Champion 2012" and some tasteful and quirky images from the Macclesfield Psalter.
As you are most likely aware PHA make the dussacks which we use as our standard started tool, you may be able to see from  the above pic that they have made some improvements, thickening out the grip and extending the edge strip to the tip good improvements on an already great tool.

Equipment List
An update to the expected equipment and stockists we use, I have also made a note of suppliers we are building orders with, in case anyone in the school wishes to add to the order...

Mask: Leon Paul this is a class requirement, Leon Paul masks are of a consistent and high standard, this is the manufacturer you will be expected to use.

Back of head protection: there are several styles of BOH protection, at the moment I recommend SPES Historica  (order build in progress)

Throat protector: PBT are making a very good one which offers a degree of collar protection, and a good hard throat plate, we encourage people to order through PBT UK

Gloves: for longsword sword and buckler and the like the Sparring Glove, at the moment the site seems to be down, I will link as soon as we have news.
Recommendations for rapier will be coming soon.

Breaches: PBT UK

Jacket: the Axel Pettersson jacket, we have three of these in the class now, and I am increasingly impressed by the build, strength and flexibility of this jacket from SPES Historica  (order build in progress).

A list of weaponry used in class will be coming soon...