Monday 26 September 2011

This Week.

There is now  a waiting list in operation.
Tonight it's all longsword: more work on Posta di Donna, working distance at timing, also more slipping parries and for the advanced counter cutting drills.
Also a fair bit of sparring.
Friday: Rapier more counters and reactions from the subjection.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Rapier 2011

Yesterday I travelled to Aldershot to the Rapier 2011 event hosted by the School of the Sword, as usual I was one of the last to arrive, getting to see a class already in full swing. This class was Caz and Phil (SotS) teaching principals of evasion and counter striking, this allowing both attacker and evader/counter attacker to explore the principles of Alfieri's rapier system simply (I loved the system and not only because we use the same one for longsword), you could see how easily and people were picking it up which speaks highly of it's practicality and the teaching skills of Caz and Phil.

 Then it was my turn to teach, I had a last minute lesson plan change as it seemed that most of this weekend's lessons were to have a similar feel, opting instead of an organic feel to go for a very point by point, precise dissection of Thibault's 7th chapter. One of the frustrations of teaching Thibault is explaining how even an inch drop in the tip of the sword can significantly affect the manner of your approach but fortunately the level of the attendants was generally very good and I was able to use their  own correct responses to alternate pressures and positions to illustrate why we needed a precise posture of the straight line to work against.
My lesson was simply dealing with pushing/subjecting the opponents blade to your inside (left side if you are right handed) line  and reacting to disengages with thrusts to the outside (right if you are right handed). bearing in mind that in effect you are sweeping a sword to the left and taking a total of four steps, it's amazing how you can fill an hour and a half with counters to simple responses.
As it was we managed about to gett half of them, and I was very pleased that the general expressions of doubt turned turned to greater and greater interest as we progressed through the options, this mirrors my own experience and echoes Thibault's sentiment that it may seem counter intuitive but it works.

Then the competition...
another outing of the open rules (some changes of will be going up on the site which had been implemented in time for the competition).
I have to say this is the best run comp I've attended, this is a result of three things.
The rules: these work very well now.
The competitors: these were outstanding on the whole, and good humoured without exception. 
Phil's pool/seeding system.
Most of the fights were a joy to watch and the Phil's system managed the pools so well that we were promised and delivered a stunning final and a worthy winner Thibault Ghesquiere. Thibault was amazing throughout, had the least hits against him throughout the day and frankly kicked arse, Fabrice and co must be very proud.
Oh, Rob Runacres, his last fight must be mentioned as an example of technical excellence and effectiveness. The most gorgeous fight I've witnessed in ages, like watching a manual come to life and get stabby.
One last thing, all of the members of SotS, who made the event possible, thanks so much, you made it great.
There is another day of training today which I had to skip in order to be back for tonight's lesson. but with notables such as Fabrice Cognot, Reinier Van Noort and Andrew Feast teaching it should be another great day. Make sure you are there for the next one, a fantastic event.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Tues and wed classes this week

Good hard work from the Beckenham class last night, all longsword work, footwork and counter cuts, comparing the single dominant step (right out to right side) with the left, right left, step and how this affects angle and safety.
From there it was repeated pommel and half sword drilling from the bind. More of that tonight  as well as some more wrestling to start.
Other news: the rapiers have arrived and the DVD is so close to being done you may be able to feel it breathing down your necks. Also new t shirt orders are being taken with some...interesting new options, get your order in asap.

Monday 19 September 2011

Monday Barbican class

Weapon work:
Longsword only tonight footwork body positioning and non signalling parries, counter cuts against open attacks.
Unarmed: A little wrestling to warm up.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

This Week.

The Update is a little this week, however:
Last night was stick and Longsword, entering with a setting aside, covering off line without over commitment.(as Nick very rightly said, fencing with the body not the sword).
Tonight in Beckenham and also Wed and Thurs: more of the above, and continuing with the balance position in the wrestling. again the emphasis on aiding and giving the right pressure for your partner, before we move to uncooperative play.
Friday of course is rapier.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Wednesday Blackfriars class

Tonight is all unarmed wrestling and grappling with the longsword. It's going to be warm work so bring water and a top for after.
Also don't forget, we are in COMBAT magazine this month, it's out now with a breakdown of the first short staff sequence.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sword and buckler an outsider's view, priest training day.

Den Of Geek goes on a warrior priest training day

N P Horton

I had the monkish equivalent of Darth Maul menacingly eyeing me up,? ?like the easy foppish meat I obviously am?…

Ahead of Priest’s release on DVD and Blu-ray today, Nick went off to a remote forest to learn all about sword fighting, and becoming a warrior monk...

Published on Sep 2, 2011
If you haven?’?t yet seen? ?Priest,? ?you may not be aware of the joys of watching kindly religious figures turn into bad-ass warriors, and then killing vampires with such things as ninja throwing crosses and rosary darts.
But the question was, could a mere Den of Geek writer be turned into one of these holy warriors?? ?The answer is sort of.? ?A bit.? ?Look,? ?I got to play with swords all day, and that?’?s good enough for me!? ?Summoned to a mysterious crypt in an ominous wooded glade? (?actually the rather lovely Abney Park in Stoke Newington?)?,? ?I was greeted by a hooded figure who promised to take us to meet our sacerdos,? ?and then train us in the feudal arts of sword and buckler.? ?Which basically meant I?’?d be taught sword fighting by a monk?. Just your average Wednesday afternoon, really.?
Our robed warrior stepped from the shadows to greet us.? ?He looked absolutely ripped under his cowl,? ?and the glimpses of a mass of tattoos peeking out from the sleeves suggested this guy meant business.? ?He then picked up a long sword and, with a practised air, swung it casually in his hands as he approached.? ?Not for the first time this afternoon,? ?I started to wonder whether learning to sword fight would be as fun and light-hearted as I’d imagined.?
The possibility of having my head chopped off and rolling through the undergrowth in a bloody mess started to play out before my eyes.? ?I had the monkish equivalent of Darth Maul menacingly eyeing me up,? ?like the easy foppish meat I obviously am?…


Monday 5 September 2011

Monday Barbican class.

Rapier, working against attacks in the 1st instance.
Longsword; heavy cutting drills and counters with the false edge.