Sunday 28 August 2011

This Week.

Fantastic classes last week, well done all involved.
This week we have:
Sunday: Longsword; off balance attacks, counter wind, half sword and disarms.
Monday: Longsword and rapier. Off balance assaults and timing of counters and attacks in the first instance.
Tuesday: Longsword and sword and buckler, off balance attacks, the fast snap and secondary attacks.
Thursday beginners class footwork and cutting drills with longsword.
Friday: Rapier: attacks in the first instance.

Monday 22 August 2011

Bi Monthly competitions. First date set 27th November.

All members of the LLA are invited to the first inter class competition.
A chance to meet and beat your companions at arms. The first competition will take place at the OLF gym in Hither green on the 27th of November and will consist of three weapon categories:
Sword and Buckler.
The rules can be seen here.
At the end of the event the winner of each category will be presented with the LLA interclass cup
If you win three bi monthlies in the same weapon three times, you keep the cup.

Monday Barbican class.

Tonight it's more sparring: Rapier, longsword and sword with buckler. For beginners it's drills from codex Wallerstein.

Friday 19 August 2011

Extreme Range In Stock

We have longswords back in stock, all our longswords are now the Rawlings Range Extremes, much stiffer and hard wearing, you can find them in the shop.

Sutton class Friday 19th and update.

Rapier tonight, timing attacks and counters. A very fluid and fun exercise this. It's been a very busy this week along side the normal classes (fantastic sparring Monday and superb hard work drilling from the rest of the groups) we've had the Priest* promotion and then tomorrow rushing off to teach at Fightcamp (before rushing back for Sunday's class Also the first of the steel gorgets is in for inspection. See you there.

*Paul Bettany's vampire fest

Thursday 18 August 2011

The Arbour Stepney class.

Tonight’s beginner class: longsword from codex Wallerstein, simple winds and counter winds with cuts to the elbow.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Beckenham Spa Class Tuesday 16th

Sword and Buckler; sword changes, separations secondary attacks and re binds.
Longsword; simple thrusts counter winds and counter counter winds.

Monday 15 August 2011

Monday at the Barbican

Tonight: mostly fighting.  Rapier longsword and sword with buckler. Also paired blade awareness drills.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Don't Forget.

Don't forget Thursday's class is now in Stepney Green.
Hither Green is now Sundays. Longsword tonight,see you there.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Update Tuesday.

Sparring at the Spa: Tonight's class is still on. the kind people at the Spa are sticking around till 9 for us, So, a shorter lesson tonight and we will mainly just fight. Looking forward to seeing you.

Don't forget there is a new beginner's class starting this Thursday in Stepney Green E1

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If you are interested in starting please contact us here, if you email please leave a contact number.

Tonight's Beckenham class and tomorrow's Blackfriar's class: Sword and buckler and dagger work, as yesterday, lots of drilling, lots of sparring.

Monday 8 August 2011

Monday Barbican class.

I know there are a few problems out there tonight, our thoughts are with the communities that are suffering.  We are training as usual: Sword and buckler tonight, lots of sparring, lots of drilling. I'll bring enough gear for everyone if you don't want to carry (do bring masks and gloves though).
Safe journey.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Thursday Hither Green

Krump'n'Kreig; all longsword, lots of crooked cuts and countering with the "noble war".
Don't forget, next week the new Arbour class opens in Stepney, and the Hither Green class swaps to Sunday. See you there.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Beckenham Class Tuesday at the Spa

Lesson part 1
Rapier: subjection and approaching the withdrawn thrust. lot's of this keeping it simple.
Messer and Longsword; breaking the krump with winding.
Sword and buckler; tread through against the bind.
Lesson Part 2
Dagger: learning the key. simple unarmed entry against the knife.


Lesson plan changed last night as everyone was putting so much effort into sparring. We had: longsword sparring, everyone did great, Nick showing some excellent timing, however out of everyone I have to say the biggest improvement by far was by Tim, who seems to have at last figured out he is much bigger and stronger than everyone else (he did not rely on this, just...some people didn't seem to notice...till too late). From there we went into breaking the Krump and on to dagger work. Great session thank you all.

Monday 1 August 2011

Monday Barbican class

1st half:
Longsword: sparring.
Rapier: sparring.

2nd Half:

Dagger work