Monday, 25 April 2011

Monday 25th-Friday 29th

This week:  
Monday: class as usual 8pm Errol st, tonight  
Sword and Buckler, more work on the crutch and half shield.
Longsword: heavy full path cutting and parry drills.

Rapier, reactions to the inner subjection.
Longsword heavy full path cutting and parry drills.
As last week free play with longsword and sword with buckler (though less impromtu than last weeks spontanous fight fest).
BURN NIGHT: Thursday:
Hi rep sword and buckler H.I.R.T.S training, Bulgarian bags, good hard work, little discussion, lots of sweat.

Friday: Sutton:
11.30 am start don't forget  this week, Longsword, full path cutting, with winds.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Monday 4th July venue change one night only.

On Monday the 4th of July the Errol st class will be
relocating to the Guildhall School of
Music & Drama, Silk Street, barbican, London, EC2Y 8DT. 
This is for one night only the following week we are back at the 
usual venue.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Short Staffed! Training Monday 18th-Wed 20th

Staff: back on the short staff work of Paulus Hector Mair. it's a great source wit hmany insights into winding and changing through, a very well structured system of attack counter and counter counter...
 Longsword: more parrying and counter drills and light sparring.

A quick well done to Tim, a pleasure to spar with, very pleased with the reverser I got on you in sparring, but very impressed with the lock you got on and released mid flow, subtle but firm enough to only sink in seconds after it happened. Again very well done.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Burn Night

Back on the Bulgarian bags tonight, and much very much cutting with the longsword, followed by the bind down and knucken with sword and buckler, over and over, lots of reps, hard, fun work. see you there. Dave

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

This week, Monday-Wednesday training schedule.

Longsword & Rapier this week, we will be working a lot of solo rapier drills to focus moving from inner to outer subjections, against different perceived sentiments and so on, the aim is to build as many drills as your arm can bear into one walk through.

Longsword will mainly focus on maintaining a good cutting path and even more parrying/winding drills.


Last week saw some impromptu competitions occurring giving us a chance to play with some of the tweaks to the open rules project, the main of these being this.

"If the amount of double kills equals the amount of points required to win a bout then both parties lose and the bout is called null"

what this means is that, if in a bout you require a score of 5 points to win, yet in pursuing those points you and your opponent instead have 5 double kills (simultaneous hits or a hit followed by being struck with an afterblow), the fight is called as null (non scoring) and you both count as having a loss. If the score needed to win is ten points, ten doubles would null.

This worked very well, we will fine tune it and see if it should be included it the rules..

The next point to be tried is the polish system of dealing with grapples, kicks pommels and punches. all of these are allowed, but only a hit with the blade edge or point will score. I will post the full rule over the next few days.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Burn Night and Friday

Well done to those who attended Burn Night last night, there were none of the usual bags and H.I.R.T.S this time it was just drill and fight, no pausing no stoppage, if you weren't fighting you were cutting.

Due to the numbers we didn't do the competition work that we've done in the other classes this week, but it was a great lesson and you all worked really hard, well done.

Tonight in Sutton, we shift to the tennis courts, lots of parry drills and freeplay, see you there. Dave.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Obsesseo the art of sword and buckler combat

Work is progressing apace on the new I.33 sword and buckler instructional DVD "OBSESSEO"
all the shooting is finished and from what I have seen it looks excellent...

Directed by Lucy Gaster (BBC Culture Show), edited by John Sergio Carrozi (medieval Fight Book) and featuring the fighting skills of David Rawlings and T Manly of the London Longsword Academy  , it gives a huge insight into the martial applications of the earliest European fencing manual.
This Is  going to change the way you look at medieval martial arts.

Monday -Wed classes this week

Longsword: again carrying on with the parrying drills, building in a couple more options to counter raising the hands and pressing down.
Sword and Buckler: more work on the threes, the same as last week, 1st vs half and enter, stab knock to counter the ordinary, and bind and enter.
Second cover and enter, bind and nod, disengage under and thrust.
And of course, sparring...